Read important warning-instruction ! |
This is the first version of the integral digital information on the waters of Slovenia. The system is called 'Eurowaternet - Slovenia' (EWN-SI). It is the result of the ' Eurowaternet implementation in Slovenia' project developed within the framework of EIONET-SI. The EWN-SI is the system of aggregated, verified and logically integrated information on Slovene waters. Data sources are national information evidence and monitoring systems. The gathered information in the EWN-SI is a basis for the calculation of performance indicators, with which the efficiency of water environment protection policy in Slovenia will be tested. Therefore, they are organised in the DPSIR (driving forces, pressure, state, impact, response) system. The EWN-SI is conceptually based on the Eurowaternet, one of the components of the WATERBASE (information on European waters). Technical guidelines for the Eurowaternet have been issued by the European Environmental Agency (EEA) in 1998. The system is a basis for the evaluation of political decisions at the European level from the aspect of water protection. It is planned that the Member states and the Candidate states (Slovenia included) develop national information networks. With them they will not only contribute to the European water information network, but also support their national needs for exchange of information, production of reports and will enable the public an access to them. The Eurowaternet was conceived as a "sampler" of the existing national monitoring and information databases, thus enabling it to collect the data on the state of European waters and the pressures on the water environments through the known statistical power and precision. It is based on catchments and geographical information systems. The same as the Eurowaternet, the EWN-SI gives information on the pressures on water bodies and on the status of water environment resources in Slovenia. At the same time it gives general information on all surface and groundwater water bodies in Slovenia and other to the system DPSIR related basic information. With the development of the system, users will be able to get even more information (meteorological, hydrological, water use, point and disperse pollution, dangerous substances in water, quality of drinking and bathing water, ecological status..). Furthermore, models to determine the indicators of effectiveness for the national and regional levels will be developed. |
MDB | DWG | ||||||
Št. / Num. | Tema / Theme: DPSIR | DWF |
S / G - |
Vodotoki Rivers |
Hidrografska območja in
razvodnice Hydrographic Areas and Watersheds |
03 | Povodja Catchment Areas |
Stoječe vode Standing Waters |
Podzemne vode Groundwaters |
Mokrišča Wetlands |
značilnosti Hydrogeological Characteristics |
Morje Sea |
Izviri Springs |
Občinske meje Local Community Districts |
Upravne enote Administrative Units |
Vodnogospodarska območja Water Management Areas |
30 | 3D teren 3D terrain |
G / D - |
Melioracije Ameliorated Areas |
Kopanje na naravnih vodah Bathing on Natural Waters |
Pokrovnost tal po CORINE
95 Corine Land Cover 95 |
Naselja Settlements |
P / P - |
Območja kanalizacijskih
sistemov Sewerage Areas |
Območja vodovodnih
sistemov Water Supply Areas |
Komunalne čistilne
naprave Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plants |
S / S - |
Minimalni letni
specifični pretoki Minimal Annual Specific Discharges |
Poplavne površine Flood Areas |
17 | Letne padavine Annual Percipitation |
Mesta monitoringa EWN-SI
na vodotokih EWN-SI Monitoring Stations on Rivers |
Mesta mon. EWN-SI na
podzemnih vodah EWN-SI Monitoring Stations on Groundwaters |
Mesta mon. EWN-SI na
jezerih EWN-SI Monitoring Stations on Lakes |
V / I - |
Skupna ocena kakovosti
vodotokov Combined Estimate of River Quality |
O / R - |
Zavarovani vodni viri Protected Water Resources |
Zavarovana območja narave Nature Protected Areas |
Varstvena območja vodnih
virov Protected Water Resource Areas |
Občutljiva območja
površinskih voda Surface Water Sensitive Areas |
M / M - |
Vododeficitarna območja -
WGS84 Water Deficit Areas - WGS84 |
Vododeficitarna območja -
GK5 Water Deficit Areas - GK5 |
. . . |
DWF - AutoDESK Drawing WEB Free Format | ||
JPG - JPEG-JFIF Compliant Raster Graphic Format | ||
DOC - Microsoft Office97 Document Format | ||
XLS - Microsoft Office97 Spreadsheet Format | ||
MDB - Microsoft Office97 Database Format | ||
DWG - AutoDESK Drawing Format (AutoCAD MAP - GIS) |