Professional activities
The Chair of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering boasts
well-developed professional activities. Since 2000, the Chair
has intensively participated in the remediation of major
landslides in Slovenia, their hydrological monitoring, debris
flow modelling, and the estimation of the potential of their
occurrence and impact areas. It also developed a risk assessment
methodology concerning landslides and debris flows. Moreover, UL
FGG was recognised as a World Centre of Excellence on Landslide
Risk Reduction as a result of the research collaboration of our
Chair and the Chair of Soil Mechanics.
In the field of river training, following intensive research in
sediment transport in the 1990s, the Chair contributed to the
world’s treasury of knowledge in the field of fluvial abrasion –
it developed a patented prototype, i.e. a tracer for measuring
dynamics of sediment transport in turbulent flows; afterwards,
the Chair directed its efforts into sustainable river
engineering and developed a methodology for assessing the
ecomorphological characteristics of rivers.
The field of hydraulic structures and hydroelectric power use
deals with the fundamentals of dam engineering and electrical
energy generation in hydropower plants.
The Chair participated in the activities of site selection and
placement of HPPs and infrastructure facilities (Moste HPP,
Medvode HPP, Blanca HPP, Krško HPP, water supply system Padež,
logistics centre Phoenix) and investment management (Moste HPP,
Drinking Water Supply of the Slovenian Coast); headed the
production of the preliminary project documentation of the HPPs
on the Middle Sava; inventoried all hydropower capacities in
Slovenia; participated in preparing the action programme of site
selection and placement; and provided advice to the investors in
the decision-making phase concerning the investments into the
hydropower sector in SE Europe (BiH, Albania) and in relation to
technical issues concerning water supply systems (Rižana,
Ljubljana, and local water supply systems, etc.) and
infrastructures (motorways, railway, etc.).
(under construction)
- Izdelava tabele s podrobnimi informacijami o smrtnih žrtvah v Sloveniji 1926 - 2015
- Izdelava vodne bilance in načrta obratovanja vodnega sistema Brdo pri Kranju, naročnik: Javni gospodarski zavod BRDO
- Določitev in spremljanje ekološkega pretoka za odvzem požarne vode, naročnik: Termoelektrarna Brestanica d.o.o.
- Izdelava analize »Preparation of New Revision of PMF Study and Conceptual Design Package for Flood Protection of NPP Krško«, investitor: Nuklearna elektrarna Krško d.o.o
- Hidrološke meritve na Kamniški Bistrici, naročnik: V2 inženiring, informatika, d.o.o.
- Hidrološko poročilo za potok Motnik, naročnik: Ribiška družina Kranj
- Sodelovanje pri pripravi projekta gospodarskega središča Phoenix v Posavju, naročnik: Ljubljanski urbanistični zavod d.d.
- Dopolnitev hidrološke študije Rogatnice in Maceljščice, naročnik: DHD d.o.o.
- Redno vzdrževanje sistema za hidrološke meritve, posodobitev pretočne krivulje in izdelava končnega poročila, naročnik: Savske elektrarne Ljubljana d.o.o.
- Izvedba meritev pretoka potoka RD Žiri v Žireh in poročilo, naročnik: PHCE Projekta, hidrotehnika, cesta in ekologija d.o.o.
- Izdelava hidrološke študije visokih vod Ščavnice, naročnik: Občina Gornja Radgona
- Izdelava hidrološke študije visokih vod potokov Hercegovščak in Črešnjevski potok, naročnik: Vodnnogospodarski biro Maribor d.o.o.
- Ocena teoretičnih visokih vod Q100 v profilih Save Bohinjke in pritokov, naročnik: VGP projekt d.o.o.
- Analiza meritev in ocena stanja savske struge, naročnik: VGP Novo mesto, d.d.
- Meritve pretoka na reki Iški od Iškega Vintgarja do Tomišlja, naročnik: JP Vodovod-Kanalizacija, d.o.o.
- Izdelava hidrološko-hidravlične študije s kotami poplavne nevarnosti za prenosne plinovode zanke do Zreč, naročnik: PROJEKT d.d. Nova Gorica