Javna agencija za raziskovalno
dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARRS) je za leto 2014 za
raziskovalno področje Vodarstvo odobrila enega mladega
raziskovalca in sicer pri mentorju prof. dr. Matjažu Mikouš.
Predvideni začetek financiranja usposabljanja mladih
raziskovalcev je november 2014.
Potencialne kandidat(k)e prosimo, da se obrnejo neposredno na
mentorja na naslov:
Razpis za prijavo kandidatov načrtuje Univerza v Ljubljani še
pred poletjem 2014. (KONČANO)
We would
like to draw your kind attention to the new
Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Flood Risk Management,
which is offered by the consortium consisting of UNESCO-IHE (the
Netherlands), TU Dresden (Germany), UPC Barcelona (Spain) and
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). During the 2-year programme
students follow semester one at TUD, semester two at UNESCO-IHE,
semester three at UPC and University of Ljubljana, and semester
four (thesis work) at one of the institutes or with an
industrial partner. Successful candidates receive MSc degrees
from TU Dresden, UNESCO-IHE and UPC, Barcelona. Language of
instruction: English. Programme starts in September 2012.
Interested candidates may apply online at
The application deadline is 8 January 2012.
A limited number of Erasmus Mundus
Scholarships are available on a competitive basis
for EU as well as non-EU applicants. The scholarship covers
tuition and provides a living allowance. EU candidates (or
non-EU citizens living in EU) are especially encouraged to
apply. Further information:
Kindest regards
Dimitri Solomatine Professor,
Head of the Hydroinformatics Core UNESCO-IHE Institute for
Water Education
Tel. +31-15-2151815
Fax +31-15-2122921
Web page:
Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje omogoča gradbenikom
hidrotehnične smeri in vodarjem opravljanje obvezne študentske
prakse s področja hidrologije. Več informacij dobite pri
dr. Miri Kobold.