Teaching activities
Hidrology, as a science, is part of geophysics and, hence,
natural sciences. It deals with the natural water cycle; because
water engineering structures are intended for water regime
regulation and its utilisation, we must have a very good
understanding of water quantity and quality. For the purposes of
teaching activities, we published a university textbook Osnove
hidrologije (“Basic Hydrology”) which is also available in an
electronic version, and the textbook Modeliranje površinskega
odtoka in navodila za program HEC-HMS (“Surface Runoff Modelling
and HEC-HMS User Manual”).
Water science deals with our relationship with water. It is very
broad in scope due to the significance of water for development
and survival of the society; in addition to technical know-how,
the basic knowledge in social sciences, i.e. in sociology,
legislation, economy, and informatics, is required.
Water management, as an important part of hydraulic engineering,
is also broad in scope, and includes the studying of erosion and
sedimentation as the natural sciences basis, regulation methods
and dimensioning of hydraulic structures as special engineering
topics, and natural risk management as a social component, where
the participation of the interested public is also important.
We also cover the fields of planning energy facilities and
investment management, while the practical experiences thereof
are included in the teaching process in various courses.
The Chair is equipped with state-of-the-art measuring equipment
purchased to support its research, professional, and teaching
activities, while it also provides high-quality practical
fieldwork for students and graduates. Please view our
Presentation menu for the list of our measuring equipment.