LETNIK 17, št. 27 (december 1999) / VOLUME 17, No.27 (December 1999) (full paper pdf)
avtor/author: | dr.DUŠAN ŽAGAR, univ.dipl.inž.gradb. / Ph.D., Diploma in Civil Eng. |
zaposlen/employed: |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za
gradbeništvo in geodezijo / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of civil and Geodetic
Engineering, Jamova 2, SI – 1000 Ljubljana |
MORSKEM OKOLJU / DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF A THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL TO SIMULATE MERCURY TRANSPORT AND TRANSFORMATION PROCESS IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT povzetek doktorskega dela / summary of the Doctoral Thesis Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani / Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana |
Kot glavni cilj naloge je predstavljena nadgraditev tridimenzionalnega
baroklinega matematičnega modela PCFLOW3D, z novima moduloma za račun transporta
lebdečih plavin in živega srebra v morskem okolju. Model omogoča račun
hidrodinamičnih količin zaradi vpliva vetra, plimovanja ter vtokov in iztokov ob
upoštevanju gostotne stratifikacije, račun resuspendiranja sedimenta z dna, račun
transporta in disperzije lebdečih plavin ter račun transporta in disperzije živega
srebra v raztopljeni obliki in vezanega na delce plavin. Kot verifikacija
sedimentacijskega modula je izvedena primerjava z rešitvami analitičnih enačb, meritev
v laboratoriju in naravi ter rezultati sorodnega modela.
Zbrani in obdelani so podatki o temperaturnih in slanostnih razmerah ter vetru v
Tržaškem zalivu, pretokih, količini lebdečih plavin in temperaturi Soče ter vsebnosti
živega srebra v vodi, lebdečih plavinah, sedimentu in pornih vodah. Iz podatkov so
izračunane povprečne sezonske vrednosti parametrov, ki skupaj z vložki krajšega
trajanja bistveno vplivajo na transport živega srebra in predstavljajo vhodne podatke
modela. Na podlagi teh podatkov je narejen scenarij za dolgotrajne simulacije, s katerim
nadomestimo modeliranje s povprečnimi letnimi vrednostmi.
Opisana je kalibracija in verifikacija modela PCFLOW3D na treh primerih, pri čemer so
uporabljeni podatki meritev in opazovanj iz let 1995, 1996 in 1997. Ugotovljeno je
kvalitativno dobro ujemanje rezultatov modela z meritvami, kjer je mogoča kvantitativna
primerjava, pa je ujemanje v okviru faktorja dve.
Ključne besede: matematični model, tridimenzionalni model, hidrodinamika, transport sedimentov, lebdeče plavine, resuspenzija, Tržaški zaliv, severni Jadran, živo srebro
UDK 532.5:546.49:556.535.6(262.3)
An upgrade of the existing three-dimensional baroclinic mathematical model
PCFLOW3D is presented. Two new modules were developed to simulate processes in aquatic
environment. Resuspension of bottom sediment, transport and dispersion of suspended
sediment and transport and dispersion of mercury in its dissolved and particulate form was
included in the model. Hydrodynamics due to wind forcing, tidal forcing and river inflow
momentum can be simulated, and stratified conditions can be taken into account. A
comparison with solutions of analytical equations, laboratory and field measurements, and
results of a similar sediment transport model was obtained to verify the sediment
transport module.
A large amount of data about temperature and salinity fields in the Gulf of Trieste, wind
conditions above the Gulf, Soča River discharges, suspended sediment concentrations and
temperatures were collected and interpreted. The described data, together with
measurements of the mercury concentrations in the water, suspended sediment, bottom
sediment and pore waters in the Soča River and the Gulf of Trieste are used as input for
the upgraded PCFLOW3D model. A scenario for long-term simulations on the basis of
seasonally averaged parameters and values in a few shorter sequences was developed as a
substitution for previous annually averaged simulations.
Measurements and observation data from the years 1995, 1996 and 1997 were applied to
calibrate and verify the PCFLOW3D model. A good qualitative agreement of results and
measurements was achieved. Whenever a quantitative comparison was possible, an accordance
of measured and computed results within a factor of two is reached.
Key words: mathematical model, three-dimensional model, hydrodynamics, sediment transport, suspended sediment, resuspension, Gulf of Trieste, Northern Adriatic, mercury
UDC 532.5:546.49:556.535.6(262.3)