V članku so predstavljeni temelji modeliranja
meteoroloških polj v mezometeorološki skali (velikost pojavov od 10 do 100 km) in način
modeliranja z večkratnim gnezdenjem, kakršen se uporablja v sistemu ARPEGE, ALADIN-LACE,
ALADIN-SI. Opisane so nekatere lastnosti modela ALADIN in značilnosti modelskega
prostora. Za primer intenzivnih padavin v zahodni Sloveniji (6.11.1997) so prikazani
podatki meritev s klimatoloških postaj in rezultati modelskih izračunov akumulacije
padavin. Analizirali smo možnost uporabe rezultatov
izračuna padavin z modelom ALADIN-SI za napoved odtoka s pomočjo modela HEC-1.
Ključne besede
: mezometeorološko modeliranje, ALADIN, padavine, odtok, HECAbstract
A mesometeorological modelling in a regional scale (the dimensions of
the phenomena studied are from 10 to 100 km) with multiple nesting within the ARPEGE
ALADIN models framework is introduced. Some characteristics of the ALADIN -SI model are
described, and, for a selected case of intense precipitation, the operational outputs of
the mesoscale meteorological ALADIN-SI model precipitation accumulation are
evaluated with the use of operationally available data from the rain-gauge network. The
mesoscale features of synoptic situations associated with the intense precipitation events
are discussed. The possibility of using forecasted precipitation for predicting
surface run-off with a hydrological model is discussed.
Key words: mesometeorological modelling, ALADIN, precipitation,
run-off, HEC
Scientific paper UDK 519.87:556.12:556.16