Tomaž Umek, Primož Banovec

V projektu Institucionalne podlage za gospodarjenje z vodami, ki ga podpira tudi Evropska komisija, je bilo za nekaj držav Evropske zveze izdelano Vertikalno poročilo, ki podaja pregled in oceno institucionalnih, pravnih, ekonomskih in socialnih izhodišč za pobude na področju politike do voda. Da bi se tudi Slovenija in druge države, ki se želijo pridružiti Evropski zvezi, lahko primerjale z državami Evropske zveze na področju gospodarjenja z vodami, je zaželeno, da najprej izdelajo svoja vertikalna poročila. To nas je spodbudilo, da smo začeli s pripravami na izdelavo takšnega poročila tudi pri nas, pri čemer so nam bili v pomoč nekateri že izdelani dokumenti. Pri tem smo se v prvi fazi, zaradi preobširnosti, omejili na obalno območje, katerega prednost je v tem, da veliko potrebnih podatkov že obstaja, hkrati pa pokriva v veliki meri še posebne pojave v Sloveniji (morje, kras, itd.). Tako izdelano poročilo bo tudi dober temelj za izdelavo poročila za vso Slovenijo.

Ključne besede: gospodarjenje z vodami, institucionalne in administrativne ureditve, politika do voda, vodnogospodarsko načrtovanje, vertikalno poročilo
Strokovni članek   UDK 556.18

The Project for the preparation of the Institutional Framework for Water Management, also supported by the European Commission, analyses the institutional mechanisms and structures for water management in the European states, as well as their efficiency within the context of European Union regulations. Within the Project for certain member states, a Vertical Report was prepared, presenting an overview of the institutional, legal, economical and social background and presenting a starting point for initiatives in the field of water policy. In this context, Slovenia and other states which are approaching the EU need to prepare their vertical reports in order to be able to come into line with other states of the EU in the field of water management. This has initiated the decision to begin the preparation of such a report in Slovenia, as well. Of a substantial help were some previously prepared documents dealing with this topic. During the first stage, the Project has been limited to the coastal area as a pilot project, as there are severa necessary data already prepared. Additionally, there are many phenomenon in that area which are typical for Slovenia, the sea, the karst, etc. The prepared report will offer a good foundation for the preparation of the Report for the whole of Slovenia.

Key words: water resources management, institutional and administrative arrangements, policy making, water resources planning, Vertical Report
Professional paper   UDK 556.18
