Predstavljeni so teoretični temelji za obravnavo
diferencialnih vodostanov različnih oblik, pri katerih kombiniramo elemente: jašek,
diferencialno komoro, dušilko diferencialne komore, dušilko med dovodnim rovom in
jaškom ter spodnjo cilindrično komoro. Z uporabo temeljnih enačb za opis naštetih
elementov smo sestavili več modelov diferencialnih vodostanov, od katerih je podrobno
opisan najsplošnejši, DICHTANK. Prikazana je tudi njegova prva kontrola. Zaradi
pomanjkanja merjenih rezultatov z obstoječih objektov smo jo izvedli z rezultati dveh
podobnih matematičnih modelov. Ujemanje naših in primerjalnih rezultatov je v obeh
primerih zelo dobro. Na koncu je prikazan še primer uporabe modela DICHTANK za oceno
vpliva premera in hrapavosti dovodnega rova na dimenzije vodostana za načrtovano HE Moste
II na Savi.
Ključne besede
: diferencialni vodostan, matematični model, verifikacija, HE Moste IIAbstract
The paper brings a necessary theoretical background for the
elaboration of differential surge tanks consisting of some basic elements: riser,
differential chamber, differential chamber throttle, bottom throttle and bottom classical
cylindrical chamber. By application of basic equations, some models of the differential
surge tanks have been constructed, but only the most generalized, DICHTANK (DIfferential
and CHamber surge TANK), presented herein. Since no measured data were available for
verification, the results of two independent mathematical models were used instead. In
both cases, there was a very good agreement between our results and the reference results.
Finally, the application of DICHTANK, where the headrace tunnel diameter and roughness
were varied in order to obtain optimal design for the surge tank for the planned Moste II
HPP on the Sava River is presented.
Key words: differential surge tank, mathematical model,
verification, Moste II HPP
Scientific paper UDK 519.87:627.8.034