Gregor Petkovšek

V članku je predstavljen enodimenzijski matematični model premeščanja rinjenih plavin na nivoju povodja. Sedimentološki in hidravlični del sta ločena. Sedimentološki del modela je frakcijski, s čimer je omogočena simulacija procesov razvrščanja plavin. Pri tem račun premeščanja rinjenih plavin temelji na Hunzikerjevih enačbah, kontinuitetna enačba za zrnavost izmenjevalnega sloja pa je privzeta po Hiranu. Vgrajen je tudi model obrabe plavin, kar je glavna razlika v primerjavi s Hunzikerjevim modelom MORMO. Hidravlični del modela omogoča račun stalnega mirnega neenakomernega toka v strugi s spremenljivo širino dna, pri čemer se ne upošteva upor brežin. Mogoč je stranski dotok vode in plavin v poljubni količini in zrnavosti. Model z vsemi naštetimi komponentami je primeren za simulacijo pojavov iz hidrotehnične prakse, kot so zaprojevanje akumulacij, erozija rečnih strug zaradi povečane premestitvene zmogljivosti ali prekinjenega dotoka plavin in podobno. Model je bil testiran z Günterjevimi laboratorijskimi poskusi in je pokazal dobro ujemanje v vseh merjenih količinah. Kot primer uporabe na nivoju povodja je podan izvleček rezultatov simulacije povodja Save Dolinke nad prodnim zadrževalnikom Hrušica, z upoštevanjem njenih glavnih pritokov.

Ključne besede
: rinjene plavine, frakcijski model, obraba plavin, pritoki, 1D model
Izvirni znanstveni članek   UDK 519.87:627.132

A one-dimensional mathematical basin-scale model of sediment dynamics is presented in the paper. The model is decoupled. Computation by fractions is introduced in the sediment portion in order to simulate sediment sorting. Bed load equations follow the Hunziker concept, while for sediment routing, Hirano's concept of active layer is applied. The size-mass balance wear model is also included, which creates the main difference with respect to Hunziker's model MORMO. The hydraulic portion is designed to solve steady non-uniform flow cases (sub-critical regime only), with variations in river bed width, while the channel bank friction is not implemented, i.e. the wide bed hypothesis in supposed. Tributary inflow of both water and sediments of any quantity and granularity is also possible. The model set up in the described way is capable of solving practical problems such as reservoir sedimentation, river bed erosion, etc. The model was tested using the results of Günter's laboratory experiments, and showed good agreement in all the quantities measured. To demonstrate the model's basin-scale capabilities, a simulation of the Sava Dolinka watershed upstream from the Hrušica sediment retention basin is briefly presented.

Key words: bed load, computation by fractions, wear, tributaries, 1D model
Scientific paper   UDK 519.87:627.132
