V članku je obravnavan disperzijski model za
reaktor z vzdolžnim odtokom in z zmesjo dveh komponent substanc (vode in tuje substance).
Sestav zmesi je prikazan s pomočjo koncentracije C, ki definira razmerje ene od substanc,
ki "prihaja" v sestav druge, proti skupni masi tekočine v danem elementu
prostornine. V primerjavi z idealnimi reaktorji s popolnim mešanjem, ko je difuzija lahko
zanemarljiva, je treba za neidealne reaktorje upoštevati difuzijo in konvektivno
(turbulentno) mešanje tekočin. To so lahko usedalniki z vzdolžnim odtokom ali
oksidacijski jarki, kjer lahko spreminjamo usedanje in razgradnjo organskih snovi (porabo
kisika) ter nitrifikacijo. Pri projektiranju je treba poznati časovno porazdelitev
koncentracije v reaktorju, da lahko na ta način ocenimo porabo oziroma proizvodnjo v
reaktorju. Upoštevani so različni vhodni (začetni) in robni pogoji
Ključne besede
: reaktor, difuzija, disperzija, koncentracija, pretok, mešanje, usedalnikiAbstract
The paper discusses a dispersion model for a reactor with a
longitudinal outlet and a mixture of two component substances (water and a foreign
substance). The composition of the mixture is given using the concentration C, which is
defined as the relationship between one of the substances that combines with the other,
compared to the total mass of liquid in a given volume element. With regard to ideal
reactors with perfect mixing, when diffusion is negligible, for non-ideal reactors it is
necessary to take into account the diffusion and convectional (turbulent) mixing of the
liquids. These are the horizontal flow sedimentation tanks or oxidation ditch, where the
sedimentation, biodegradation of organic matter (oxygen consumption) and nitrification
occur. In project design, the time distribution of the concentration in the reactor must
be known, so that, in this way, the consumption or production in the reactor can be
estimated. Various entry (initial) and boundary conditions are considered.
Key words: reactor, diffusion, dispersion, concentration, fiow,
mixing, sedimentation tank
Scientific paper UDK 628.34