Matjaž Četina, Mario Krzyk

Za presojo o tem, kako bo načrtovana graditev novega zdraviliškega kompleksa na levem bregu Savinje vplivala na poplavne razmere v Laškem, je bil uporabljen dvodimenzijski matematični model toka. V prispevku so najprej opisani teoretični temelji modela z enačbami in s kratkim povzetkom numerične metode reševanja. Nato so na kratko povzete značilnosti računalniškega programa PCFLOW2D, vključno z načinom priprave podatkov in s prikazom rezultatov s pomočjo grafičnih paketov AutoCAD in QuickSURF. Obravnavan je bil 780 m dolg odsek Savinje od vtoka Rečice gorvodno. Za pretoke Q100 = 1412 m3/s, Q25 = 1192 m3/s, Q5 = 834 m3/s in Q2 = 612 m3/s so bile ugotovljene spremembe hitrostnega polja in gladin Savinje zaradi regulacije, predvidene graditve mehkega jezu, brvi za pešce in nove zdraviliške stavbe ter že zgrajenih mostnih opornikov in inundacijskih odprtin novega mostu v Jagoče. Na podlagi ugotovljenega dviga gladine nad novim mostom v Jagoče za približno 18 cm (pri Q100), glede na referenčno stanje pred posegi, je bilo predlagano ustrezno povečanje projektiranega odmika zdraviliške stavbe od struge.

Ključne besede: dvodimenzijski matematični model, Savinja, Laško, Zdravilišče Laško, hidravlični račun, tok s prosto gladino, PCFLOW2D
Izvirni znanstveni članek - predhodna objava   UDK 519.87:627.133

A two-dimensional mathematical flow model has been used to assess the influence of the designed new health centre on the left bank of the Savinja river on the flood situation in Laško. Some theoretical features of the model including basic equations and numerical solution method are described first. Main characteristics of the PCFLOW2D computer code are also presented devoting special attention to data preparation and results presentation with the use of AutoCAD and QuickSURF graphic packages. Approximately 780 m long reach of the Savinja river from the Rečica creek tributary upstream has been considered. For discharges of Q100 = 1412 m3/s, Q25 = 1192 m3/s, Q5 = 834 m3/s and Q2 = 612 m3/s changes in velocity fields and free surface elevations have been investigated due to the designed hydraulic structures in this area (river training, rubber weir, a small bridge for pedestrians, new building of the health centre and already built motorway bridge to Jagoče). On the basis of the computed rise of the surface elevation of about 18 cm just upstream of the Jagoče bridge (at Q100 in comparison with the reference situation in 1990), it has been recommended to increase the distance of the new building from the river channel.

Key words: two-dimensional mathematical model, Savinja River, Laško, Health centre Laško, hydraulic computation, free surface flow, PCFLOW2D
Scientific paper   UDK 519.87:627.133
