Primož Banovec, Boris Kompare, Marta Vahtar

Ob osamosvojitvi Slovenije je gospodarjenje z vodami, pod vplivom izrazitih sprememb v organiziranosti družbe ter sprememb v sami stroki doma in v tujini, doživelo številne spremembe. Žal so te spremembe vplivale na to, da je gospodarjenje z vodami v RS prišlo v krizo, ki se kaže v podrejenem ekonomskem položaju (sredstva zmanjšana na okvirno 1/10 sredstev, razpoložljivih v letu 1991), in v podrejenem položaju glede na druge sektorje, saj se vodno gospodarstvo obravnava kot infrastrukturna dejavnost. Da bi ustrezno umestili vodno gospodarstvo, je bila izdelana naloga Koncept gospodarjenja z vodami, katere namen je bil predvsem opredelitev vloge gospodarjenja z vodami v družbi. Pri tem naj bi bil koncept podlaga razvojnim dokumentom, ki se nanašajo na vode, njihovo uporabo, zaščito in gopodarjenje, saj je temeljni cilj trajnostni razvoj in ne konzervacija vodnih virov.

Ključne besede: gospodarjenje z vodami, koncept
Strokovni članek   UDK 556.18

Water resources management underwent distinctive changes, in society and within the profession, itself, both in Slovenia and abroad, during the country’s independence process. Unfortunately these changes pushed water resources management in Slovenia into an economic crisis (funding earmarked for water resources management was reduced to 1/10 of the dedicated funds for 1991), and into a subordinate position in relationship to other sectors, as it was treated as an infrastructural activity. To find the proper position for water management, the project, “Water Resources Management Concept” was developed. It has the primary objective of determining the role of water management within society. At the same time it will serve as a framework for other developmental documents related to water, its use, protection and management, as the basic scope is the sustainable development and not the conservation of water resources.

Key words: water resources management, concept
Professional paper   UDK 556.18
