LETNIK 16, št.22 (november 1998) / VOLUME 16, No.22 (November 1998)
avtor/author: | mag. NATAŠA VODOPIVEC, univ.dipl.inž.gradb. / M. Civil Eng., Diploma in Civil Eng. |
zaposlena/employed: |
Inštitut za hidravlične raziskave /
Institute for Hydraulic Research Hajdrihova 28, SI – 1000 Ljubljana |
STABILIZACIJE BLATA PRI RAZLIČNIH POSTOPKIH BIOLOŠKEGA ČIŠČENJA ODPADNIH VODA povzetek magistrskega dela / summary of the Master Thesis Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana |
Ključne besede: evtrofikacija, čiščenje odpadne vode, proizvodnja biološkega blata, stabilizacija biološkega blata, nitrifikacija, denitrifikacija, defosfatizacija, modeliranje
UDK (05) 532;556;626/628.6
Raw sewage is a rich source of nutrients, which can cause intensive
eutrophication in recipients of untreated sewage. At decision-making, what kind of sewage
treatment technology or stage shall be used, it is an important question the nutrient
removal efficiency as well as sludge production and its stabilisation rate at several
treatment technologies. The processes for biological nutrient elimination and sludge
stabilisation are discussed in this work. The main purpose of the work is to develop and
verify a simple one-dimensional mathematical model of sludge production. The model has
been tested using the results of Seyfried's pilot experiments on WWTP Husum, Germany and
the well known Imhoff's empirical equation, showing good agreement in all the quantities
modelled. To show model's application capabilities, the sludge production, together with
its composition and stabilisation rate, and nutrient balances at several stages of waste
water treatment is briefly presented.
Key words: eutrophication, waste water treatment, sludge production, sludge stabilisation, nitrification, denitrification, dephosphatisation, modelling
UDC (05) 532;556;626/628.6