LETNIK 16, št. 21 (marec 1998) / VOLUME 16, No.21 (March 1999)

avtor/author: prof.dr. MITJA BRILLY, univ.dipl.inž.gradb. / Ph.D., Diploma in Civil Eng.

Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Katedra za splošno hidrotehniko /
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of civil and Geodetic Engineering, Chair of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering
Hajdrihova 28, SI – 1000 Ljubljana

Gostujoči uvodnik
Predstavljeno delo "Šifrant porečja Donave" je del projekta "Hidrološka bibliografija porečja Donave", v okviru regionalnega sodelovanja držav porečja reke Donave pri izvajanju mednarodnega hidrološkega programa (IHP) Unesca. Delo je finansiralo Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije. S komentarji so pri izdelavi šifranta sodelovali tudi nacionalni komiteji IHP posameznih držav porečja reke Donave. Program dela je bil sprejet na VIII. delovnem srečanju predstavnikov držav porečja reke Donave v Budimpešti, 10. septembra 1994. Končna verzija šifranta je bila sprejeta na X. delovnem srečanju držav porečja reke Donave v Lednicah na Češkem od 3. do 7. junija 1997.

Šifrant je izdelan kot osnova za prostorsko opredelitev podatkov pri oblikovanju informacij. Upoštevali smo postopke, ki se v ta namen uporabljajo v različnih državah, ter izbrali tistega, ki ga uporabljajo v Zvezni Republiki Nemčiji. Tako smo šifrantu dodali tudi ponatis in prevod "Smernice za šifriranje vodotokov in njihovih prispevnih površin". Ker pa so prispevne površine vodotokov tudi osnova za zbiranje in urejanje okoljskih podatkov, ima šifrant širši pomen. Zaradi mednarodnega pomena smo dokument objavili v dveh jezikih, poleg slovenščine tudi v angleščini.

Za sodelovanje se zahvaljujemo članom nacionalnih komitejev IHP porečja reke Donave, in še posebej koordinatorju regionalnega sodelovanja dr. Oskarju Behru s Tehniške univerze na Dunaju.

predsednik Slovenskega komiteja IHP
prof.dr. Mitja Brilly

UDK (05) 532;556;626/628.6

Guest editorial
Entitled Danube Basin Codebook, the work presented is part of the Danube Basin Hydrological Bibliography project conducted within the framework of regional cooperation among countries of the Danube river basin in carrying out Unesco’s International Hydrological Programme. The work was funded by Slovenia’s Ministry of Science and Technology, and the national IHP committees of individual Danube basin countries also provided written commentaries during formulation of the codebook. The programme of tasks was adopted at the eighth working meeting of representatives of Danube basin countries, held in Budapest on 10 September 1994. The final version of the codebook was approved at the tenth working meeting, held in Lednice in the Czech Republic from 3 to 7 June 1997.

The codebook has been produced as a basis for spatial definition of data used in formulation of information. Our starting point was existing procedures used for such purposes in various countries, and the procedure used in Germany was chosen. For this reason a reprint and translation of "Guideline for the coding of watercourses and their catchment areas" was incorporated into the codebook. Because catchment areas of watercourses are also the basis for collecting and organising all environmental data the codebook has a wider significance. It has therefore been published in Slovene and English, due to possible international use of the document.

We would like to express our gratitude to members of the national IHP committees of Danube basin countries, and in particular to Dr. Oskar Behr from the Technical University in Vienna, regional cooperation coordinator.

President of the Slovenian IHP Committee
Prof. Mitja Brilly

UDC (05) 532;556;626/628.6

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